Season 7 Begins

Official Blizzard Quote:

Diablo: Diablo II realms are currently down for the scheduled ladder reset. They're estimated to be back up at approximately 12:00 pm PDT.
Good luck everyone. Remember, we want a DFans user on top, :).

And don't like the new six-month standard for ladder seasons? Blizzard put up a poll on the board imploring fans for input! Although the results will not be absolute, it can't hurt to voice your opinion.

Official Blizzard Quote:

We realize the six month reset caught some people by surprise and so we wanted to provide a way for you to give us feedback. We think six months is a decent amount of time to allow everyone time to level up and enjoy the season, while still keeping the ladder landscape fresh, but maybe you don't. So... How long do you want ladder seasons to last? Please keep in mind that a "winning" vote doesn't necessarily mean we will adopt or always be able to meet a specific time, but we certainly want to try to meet a general community desire when possible. We realize there are many factors in the play experience that may deflect votes to the "Other" option, such as the feeling that "Resets don't make a difference unless X happens." While we certainly appreciate this input, it isn't helpful in the case of gauging reset timelines for the benefits they do provide. We'd appreciate it if you could let as many people know who play Diablo II to come here and vote, as it will be factored in to future reset timeline decisions.


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