Wiki Updates

A small amount of tidbits, seeing as nothing has been said about the wiki for a long time.

1. The main page of the wiki has been completely overhauled to both look better and be easier to navigate while containing more links to the rest of the wiki. The main page has been tested down to a resolution of 1024x768, and works flawlessly.

If you however happen to be running 800x600, I'm sorry to inform you that you're ten years late and need to get better hardware.

2. The wiki now supports videos (or more precisely embedded videos much like the forums).

3. And as those who have received my PM's know, I've conducted a small wiki-survey here at Diablofans during the last two weeks where I asked active members what they thought of our wiki. The results were as follows:

  • 20% do not use our wiki regularly
  • 53% uses mainly Arreat Summit however only 23% actually preferred Arreat.
  • Only 13% has ever made at least one edit, however as many as 60% said they would like to help out in one way or another. Call me a skeptic, but I doubt that figure. Feel free to call me on this one however, I could always use some help.

  • When asked what they would most like to see in the wiki, it's a close call between info about d3, d2, lore and builds/guides.

  • Several people said however that the design of the wiki needed to be improved. Which is precisely why the main page has now been redesigned.

4. In april, I reported that we had reached 1,000 articles. One would expect us to be closer to 2,000 by now, when in fact, during the last few months, we've only increased the article count by about a hundred. For those of you who are wondering why this is, the reason is two-fold.

First, most of the previous articles were not added by us here at Diablofans, but were instead copied mainly from Diablo Wikia. This basically had the effect of us becoming a clone of them which wasn't very good. Nothing has been copied from there in a while, and it's something I definately don't think we should do.

Second however, this is also in part because many articles have been combined for better and easier browsing, such as Unique Armor. Instead of 15 pages, we currently have one page with 15 armors on. While this doesn't increase the article count, it probably helps the wiki more by making it easier for you to browse and overlook our info.

5. We've also started to put guides into the wiki. Currently, the prime example is Seth's Energy Shield Lightning Sorceress, but I was hoping other people would like to contribute to this area as well. I've created the Savior for the specific purpose of showing how a guide can be structured, and I'm hoping it'll be of use to some of you.

Those are the wiki updates for now :)


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