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    posted a message on Gosukusan: Overconfident
    09 October 2011 - 03:01 PM
    Gosukusan, on 09 October 2011 - 02:20 PM, said:


    It was stated in the guidelines (2nd post last thread) people are allowed to add images, this is something so simple anyone could have done it essentially and it made us all laugh, you all have another chance, keep trying.

    Never before in my life have I witnessed such an unjustified celebration of mediocrity. "We'll choose the best one or two entries". You place that winning submission next to so many others and you tell me that it is empirically the, "best". Be honest with the competitors, inform them that their best bet at winning is to submit some crap that will make a few people giggle and inspire absolutely nothing into future competitors. How about setting the bar? How about saying, "look at what this guy did, it's fricken awesome, and funny, and obviously shows tremendous effort and dedication in obtaining a key". What you did is literally a crime against hard work perseverance, and talent.

    But that's asking too much isn't it? I wouldn't have looked twice at that garbage, except that it was staring me in the face like some sort of unfathomable nightmare from which I could not escape. I literally trembled with rage, and did not sleep the entire night. I kept thinking, "is this really how the world rewards hard work and talent"? "If I put my heart and soul, and 5 full days of creative thinking and editing into this submission, and it lost to what the majority of intellects would consider, "trash", is there even a point to competing further"? Can it even be called a competition? Absolutely not. In a competition, the victor claims the right of having displayed the best qualities that relate to the grounds of the established rules.

    Your grounds were misleading, and your rules ultimately became arbitrary at best. To collectively vote on such an entry and feel good about it...every single one of you involved should literally be ashamed of yourselves. How long did you think about this after looking through thousands of pictures? Your explanation for the reason it won will baffle me for the rest of my years. "Anyone could do it" And therein lies the biggest reason it should NEVER have won. REWARD DEDICATION AND TALENT. Why are you rewarding something that anyone could do just because it gave you all a chuckle? You essentially turned this contest into another random drawing. In no way does it stand out from the rest and set Diablofans.com apart.

    What does that winning entry do for your website? When people come in to check out the contest, do they say, "oh WOW, that's awesome! lol, pretty funny too, that person deserves a beta key for sure". ROFL, not in a million years. What about when they look at this picture?

    Never will you find me in a position of unearned bragging. But I am more proud of this creation than of my recently earned business degree. I am not an artist in the slightest, nor did I own any form of picture editing software besides MS Paint before this pic contest was announced. Tell me you looked at that and said, "meh, charlie brown reference is just better overall", and I will finally lose faith in humanity once and for all.

    Tell me that the charlie brown submission just looks better on your front page, tell me that the person who made it just obviously wanted a key the most, tell me that you feel good about your choice, and you think it represents what such a contest should involve when so many people would give their left arm (or 60 hours of their week and one of the greatest efforts of their life) in order to claim a key. And please tell me that this entry was just so damn good that you decided to grade on a curve, and only give out one key this week. Tell me all those things, or alternatively, delete this post, and I won't be seen around here again. But do not tell me these things unless you can fully and rightfully accept them as truths to yourself. I don't believe that any self-respecting human being should be capable of such filth. I am disgusted.

    Flame me all you want for, "whining". See how much I flinch when my lesser's humiliating (and barely intelligible) attempts at a rebuttal come flying in all directions. No person of self-respect and honesty would succumb to acceptance of such an undeserving winner.

    Please know that your unsolicited responses in regards to what I have stated should be avoided at all costs. It would be embarrassing for all of you to discover the exact value of your opinion's to your listener.

    Looking forward to the deletion of this post, and the avoidance of what it stands for.


    I would've just quoted and replied in the topic he posted this in, but seeing as this was in the middle of over a thousand comments, I knew Gosukusan wouldn't see it, so I decided to make a topic just for him. I bet he's giddy with excitement from this attention.

    The reason I quoted this here and am doing this is because what he said made me mad. I don't want to argue or fight, so I'm not going to recomment to any negative things said to me.
    What made me mad was that he was so confident that his picture was the best (or better than others). I have nothing against being proud or optimistic, but when someone thinks they are better than someone else, even if the other person's looks like a three-year-old did it, I get defensive.

    Now onto why they chose Calavera's. Personally, I would've chosen it over yours any day. I laughed much harder after seeing his, because I grew up with the Peanuts and they're a big part of my life. Also, the fact that he could create that much laughter with such simplicity made it that much better (explaining a joke always ruins it). I was not fond of yours because it had so much going on that I was confused. At first I couldn't even read the words... My suggestion would have been to just have Link throwing the bomb... There was no need for the fancy-dancy colors and drawing. If I were a judge I would've eliminated anything that didn't pertain to the point of the picture, thus all your work you put into it would've meant nothing. All that work you did was just to make it look "pretty", and that wasn't the point of the contest. The point was to make a funny picture using captions, pictures, or both, which you failed to do in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, everyone has different opinions, but that is just another reason I was mad that you thought you were better.

    My final point. You asked the retorical question, "which would look better on the front page?" Well, I'll have to admit yours would look "better", but only because it's full of color and excitement. I'm sorry to break it to you though, people don't want that all the time. Most importantly is that if people saw your picture on the front page, they would not want to join because they would be intimidated and feel they aren't good enough artists to do this. On the other hand, people that see Calavera's picture would think, "Hey I should join because I can do something like that!" This contest is not only for the DiabloFans to have fun, it's to promote the website, and your picture would not have done that, but don't think that was the reason they didn't choose you; look up for that.

    I really hope you read this, Gosukusan. I just wanted to bring everything together in one topic and let you know how some people feel, because you aren't everything, and the world isn't you. A helpful hint for the future: Sometimes going over the top isn't a good thing. Sometimes doing bare minimum is the best thing to do. Although this is not a place I would think the bare minimum is best, I think Calavera's use of it was perfect. Congratulations to Calavera666, who truely deserved it IN MY OPINION, and apparently the DiabloFans staff.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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