
Zunimassa's Sacrifice 2.6.1 Build

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  • Haunt Poisoned Spirit
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Sacrifice Provoke the Pack
  • Soul Harvest Siphon
  • Summon Zombie Dogs Life Link
  • Gargantuan Humongoid
  • Confidence Ritual
  • Midnight Feast
  • Fierce Loyalty
  • Spirit Vessel


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Enforcer
    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Bane of the Stricken

Kanai's Cube

  • The Furnace
  • Mask of Jeram
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

I present the 2.6.1 Zunimassa solo pushing build with Zdogs & Sacrifice. I will call this build: Zunimassa's Sacrifice 2.6.1

The build plays just like a normal Zunimassa build, but instead you will have more DR than normal Zunimassa by roughly 26% more. In addition, you will deal more overall damage thanks to a stacking buff from Sacrifice skill and Sacrifice damage. Lets break down the numbers.

Critical Hit Change: get roughly 50%

Critical Hit Damage: Get as high as you can

Cold Damage: 20-40%

Gargantuan Damage: 20-40%

Area Damage (AD) or Sacrifice damage on Mojo

AD: 20% or higher

NO Attack Speed (AS). All it does is increase damage, does not make pets hit faster. It is better to have one of the top 2 stats.


Helm: Purple
Weapon: Green

All other gear: Red for more Armor OR Yellow for more damage and resist all (int increase your resist all also)


6 pc = 5,500% for pets after a mana spender (haunt or piranha)

Rose Ring + Pledge Amulet = 100% more damage standing still

Sacrifice = 20% x5 (stacking bonus) = 100% more damage for 5 seconds and can be refreshed

Confidence Rit = 20% more damage

Midnight Feast (Garg & Zdogs only) = 50% more damage

Haunt (Psn Spirit) = 20% more damage

The Furnance (elite only) = 50% more damage

Mark of Jeram (pets only) = 200% more damage

Enforcer (pets only) = 45% at level 100 gem

Bane of the Powerful = 20% for 130 second at level 100 gem

Bane of the Stricken = 1.80% per hit (stacks infinitely) at level 100 gem

{Comparison damage changes of 5 zombie dogs to 8 fetishes}

5 zombie dogs = 120% per dog weapon damage (wd) base = 600% wd on 1 target

8 fetishes = 180% per fetish wd base = 1,440% wd on 1 target

5 zombie dogs with midnight feast skill: 900% wd on 1 target

Net difference from standard Zuni Build: Negative 540% wd on 1 target.

BUT sacrifice stacks changes the net total by 100% more for the dogs.

New Net Total Difference

Zombie Dogs = 5 x 180(100) = 5 x 360 = 1,800 wd on 1 target

Fetishes = 1440 wd on 1 target.

Total: 1,800 - 1440 = positive 360% wd on 1 target.

(This build should do more damage with the Sacrifice + Zombie Dogs as compared to the Fetish Army; also Garg damage is much higher in my build.)

(Bonus damage from skill)

Sacrifice provides 1,090% wd + 100% from stacks (every 2 seconds) = 2,180 wd

Total net gains: 2,540 - (540 x 2) = 2,540 - 1,080 = 1,460 more damage on 1 target

Conclusion of comparison:

Basic Zunimassa vs My Build: Winner is my build by 1,460 weapon damage more over 2 seconds than a basic Zunimassa build (Verse a rift Guardian)
You may be asking why 2 seconds? According to the Homunculus item, a new zombie dog is risen every 2 seconds which is why you want to use Sacrifice then. However, if the source I saw this is incorrect as I do not have my Homunculus item yet, I have seen it at 4 seconds. Which means the total damage will be a net gain of 730% weapon damage over 4 seconds to 1 target. This is still more damage overall.

Generic Pet Damage Formula:
[ Weapon Damage ] x [ 1 + (Intel/100) ] x [ APS ] x [ Tooltip ] x [ Pet Buff + %Element ] x [ % Skill ] x [ % Elite ] x [ Character Buff + Monster Debuff ] x [ Bane Trapped ] x [ Zei's Stone ] x [ CoE ] x [ F&R ] x [ Zuni6 ] x [ % MonsterType ] x [ CR passive ]

Links to Garg, Fetish, & Zombie Dog:

Fetish: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/13349475072?page=1#2

Zombie Dogs: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/13349475072?page=1#3

Gargantuan: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/d3/topic/13349475072?page=1#4

(Disclaimer on True Damage)

3 Fetishes deal more damage than my build on single target overall, because of 6 pc set. The difference is your gargs deal more damage in my build than a Zunimassa build and you have more AoE presence in my build to clear mobs quicker which is better for higher GR as you do not focus as much on the Yellow mobs as their HP is too high. Since Garg damage is the primary damage source, my build should still do more damage single target, I just do not want to do the formulas to show you, just look at Gargantuan damage link above.

Damage Reduction:

4 pc Zuni: 3% for every fetish (15 total) {this build caps at 15 instead of 23 since it does not use fetish army} -- 3% x 15 = 45% DR (23 fetishes = 69%) [24% DR difference]

Zombie Dogs (Rune: Life Link): 5x dogs = 10% x 5 = 50% DR

Lakumba's: 6% per Soul Harvest (Sacred Harvest gives 10 stacks instead of 5). 6% x 10 = 60% DR

Enforcer (pets only): 90% DR at level 25 gem requirement

Comparison Difference

Standard Zuni: 69% + 60% = 129% DR

My Build: 45% + 50% + 60% = 155% DR

Net difference: 155 - 129 = 26% more DR for my build.

It is impossible to reduce damage to 100%, the actual damage in calculation is as followed based on a 100 damage hit.

Zuni Build: 100 x 60% = 40 x 69% = 27.6 damage total

My Build: 100 x 60% = 40 x 50% = 20 x 45% = 9 damage total.

My build reduces about 18.6 less damage for a 100 damage hit OR 18.6% less total damage per hit as compared to a standard Zunimassa build.


My build does either 1,460 more damage over 2 seconds or 730 more damage over 4 seconds than the standard Zunimassa build by using Zombie Dogs over Fetish Army. However, overall damage is higher from AoE and higher single target in my build since Gargs damage in my build is 100% higher. My build also has Sacrifice damage for AoE & single target damage. You forfeit upfront single target damage from 3 fetishes for more upfront garg and aoe damage. The overall damage should be higher based completely on the 100% bonus damage to gargs in my build than a standard Zunimassa build; even with 3 fetishes stacking the 5,500% damage from the 6 pc set bonus.

My build receives less overall damage by 26% DR OR in value of damage received is 18.6% less actual damage than the standard Zunimassa build.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

Paragon Priorities


Movement speed 50/50

All into Primary Stat

Do not get any Vitality or Maximum Resource

Do not deviate from selection as pets do gain your CHC and CHD.

AS does not make them attack faster, but hit harder

CDR is useless for this build besides lowering your CDR for Gargs, Zombie Dogs, and Piranha


Armor is priority as INT gives you Resist All

Life is the next priority for survival

Resist all or Life Regeneration is up to you which you prefer

AD does more for your actual damage

Life on Hit is only coming from the use of Piranha as Zombie Dogs are not using the Rune that benefits from your LoH

Resource Cost Reduction is OK as it does lower the amount of mana for Piranha.

Gold Find is last because we are not using any item that buffs us via gold.

Build Guide

I still need to confirm in game that Sacrifice stacks to 5. I am basing this information on people informing me it is 5 stacks.

I will update in a month from 11/24/17 once I get my full base gear to make this WD work. I will inform the time it took to complete a GR70 which is what Blizzard set last season (11) and this season (12) for Primal Ancient gear to drop.

My youtube name is Proxyminers1986 and I will post a link to the video for my GR70 clear. I will then try to post another clear for each GR either 5 or 10 higher (75/80/85 etc) OR (70/80/90/100 etc) GR's.

Zunimassa as a set should be able to hit GR 100 pretty easy with the massive buff of 2,500 to 5,500 pet damage on the 6 pc set. My build should focus more on AoE damage and increase damage for your gargs which is the main damage of your build anyways for a Zunimassa.