
Sunwuko WOL = Sunwuko WOW Dat Damage!

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  • Crippling Wave Rising Tide
  • Wave of Light Explosive Light
  • Mystic Ally Air Ally
  • Dashing Strike Blinding Speed
  • Sweeping Wind Inner Storm
  • Mantra of Salvation Agility
  • Transcendence
  • Harmony
  • The Guardian's Path
  • Sixth Sense


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Esoteric Alteration
    • Bane of the Trapped

Kanai's Cube

  • Incense Torch of the Grand Temple
  • Spirit Guards
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

This build is all about Wave of Light AOE damage, hence the explosive light rune. Everything we're doing is to either buff that, or buff our defense/sustain. Since defense or toughness tends to be an issue with this build at times I've thrown in some extra defensive things. Esoteric is one that is great with this build and works great with sixth sense, but can be swapped out for something else of your liking if you see fit.

The passive skills aren't set in stone either. Sixth sense/Transcendence can be swapped for seize the initiative for more damage, for exalting soul for more spirit. More spirit = more times you can cast Wave of Light.

Though using Tzo as head gear makes this a ranged build, you're still going to have to play in melee range for full benefit. Spirit guards can be activated simply by using your spirit generator in the air, but you won't activate your Focus bonus from your ring set. That must hit an enemy to activate that 50% damage bonus.

I've messed around with wearing the full 6 piece Sunwuko and having this be not ranged, then dump grandeur ring for COE in the cube but I didn't see a noticable difference in damage and the build just didn't seem to work as good.

Remember, it's imperative to have the full 6 piece bonus active to get the massive damage boost from sweeping wind through using vengeful wind for 10 stacks of sweeping wind. That's 1000% damage bonus to WOL!

Paragon Priorities


Maximum Resource
Primary Stat
Movement Speed


Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find

As I say with most of my builds, go in the order listed for best results till you hit Para 800. You could probably do attack speed first in offense if you really wanted to.

Build Guide

This is the Monk Sunwuko Wave of Light build with some added toughness for 2.6.1. As I say in this build and in the video though, some things can be swapped for more pure damage.