
Chickens Be Fast Yo (Group GR Key Farming)

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  • Wall of Death Communing with Spirits
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Gargantuan Humongoid
  • Summon Zombie Dogs Life Link
  • Spirit Walk Jaunt
  • Hex Angry Chicken
  • Gruesome Feast
  • Fierce Loyalty
  • Grave Injustice
  • Midnight Feast


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Enforcer

Kanai's Cube

  • The Furnace
  • Mask of Jeram
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

The goal of this build is to clear normal T13 Rifts as fast as possible for GR Key farming. This is done by running ahead of the team and scouting the map for shrines and popping those shrines with Nemesis Bracers so everyone can get the benefit of the shrines as fast as possible.

The main advantage of this build is that it goes really REALLY fast.

The downside to going really fast though, is that you are going to have to sacrifice some defenses.. OK, a LOT of defenses. You will be very squishy.

If you are having trouble surviving I would suggest swapping out Fierce Loyalty for Spirit Vessel, Witching Hour for Gold Wraps and either Band of the Stricken or Enforcer for a Boon of the Hoarder.
If you are not having trouble surviving then try putting the Nemesis Bracers into your cube and putting on Warzechain Armguards (or vice versa) for speeds so fast that you will swear you travel through time.

The only other note that I can think of that is semi-important is to use whichever is better rolled between your Tasker and Theo and your Mask of Jeram on your character and throw the worse rolled on into your cube, then use the set piece that corresponding set piece to get your 6-piece bonus.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed


Life Regeneration
Resist All


Life on Hit
Area Damage
Gold Find
Resource Cost Reduction

You want movement speed because this build is all about going fast as f**k

I prioritize CDR because it allows you to Spirit Walk more often, but honestly if you want to prioritize CHC and CHD here that should be fine

Armor is one of the WD's weak spots, meanwhile All Res is pretty much covered by the sheer amount of intelligence you get through your gear. Grabbing Armor first will help a little bit here, but not much. As I said before you are very squishy and there isn't really much you can do about it.

Prioritize LoH because of the Leeching Dogs rune. This will keep you alive a little longer.
Resource Cost Reduction shouldn't be something you should have to worry about at all since literally only one of your abilities costs mana and it has a cool down which allows you to naturally regenerate that mana back. You are better off going for Area Damage to kill things faster or Gold Find to help with your Gold Wraps if you are using them.

Build Guide


Go Fast. Click On Shrines. Expect to die.
This build is meant to farm GR Keys quickly In Groups. It is not meant to farm for gear or Death Breaths. Play Accordingly.

You can choose to play this build slowly in order to farm for gear in normal rifts but honestly your better off just using a normal build with Spirit Walk - Severance. The move speed is roughly the same it just doesn't last nearly as long.

This is not a revolutionary build and, for the most part, it is just a tweak of the Helltooth Gargantuan build. I am not trying to take credit for it, just trying to spread the word.