
Jade Speed Elite Hunter, GR85+ (Vid)

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  • Haunt Poisoned Spirit
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Soul Harvest Swallow Your Soul
  • Horrify Stalker
  • Spirit Walk Severance
  • Locust Swarm Cloud of Insects
  • Creeping Death
  • Grave Injustice
  • Spirit Vessel
  • Confidence Ritual


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Esoteric Alteration
    • Bane of the Powerful

Kanai's Cube

  • Quetzalcoatl
  • Ring of Emptiness

Wormwood in the cube.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed


Life Regeneration
Resist All


Area Damage
Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

Build Guide

WIP build that I'm working on to try and get my jade harvester to approach the speed of my necromancer with the blight spear build for GR70-GR85. You might can get better times running the chicken garg, but that is beyond boring. The Jade Harvester is too much fun.

The hardest thing about jade speed is toughness and being able to survive the in-geom down time. While trying different things, I came across this build by Bluddshed Jade Speed which has zero toughness because it's a goldwrap build. This setup is my best attempt at toughness so you can run GR's with it.

At first I ran zombie dogs with the snakes, but I've found that passive Cloud of Insects with the cat provides much better damage mitigation for speed farming. It might be because the snakes stack with unity so you get diminishing returns. If you find yourself too squishy, it's probably because you don't have enough life. for GR80's I need 800k life to be semi-comfortable. For GR85, I need 1.1m life.

With good gear, you can do 80's in around 5-6 minutes with this guy. My best GR70 time was 2:25 with this build (on a good map), but average GR 70 is around 3-4 minute range.

I also really had to work hard to get Nemesis Bracers. Most witch doctor builds don't run them because you can't squeeze them in, but I enjoy elite hunting and it makes for faster clears. As such, something interesting I found was that unity gives you more damage mitigation than Lakumba's Ornament when you only have 5 stacks of soul harvest.

Something else I learned is that even with Piranhas, the Ess of Johan is huge in this setup. I don't know its range, but it's a lot larger than the fish, so you suck tons of trash in while you're spamming elites. The proc cooldown isn't actually too bad when you're elite hunting. You can also run a hellfire with a DPS passive like pierce the veil or gruesome feast, or more toughness with jungle fortitude or swamp land attunement.