
[ZE] Barbarian - Support - Rathma Speed

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  • Rend Mutilate
  • Threatening Shout Falter
  • Ignore Pain Mob Rule
  • Furious Charge Cold Rush
  • Sprint Forced March
  • War Cry Veteran's Warning
  • Inspiring Presence
  • Pound of Flesh
  • Sword and Board
  • Nerves of Steel


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
    • Esoteric Alteration
    • Iceblink

Kanai's Cube

  • In-geom
  • Pride of Cassius
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find
Area Damage

Build Guide


This Support Barb is meant to only be played with the Rathma DPS and Support Necro.
Before you continue reading this guide strike the idea of a conventional Support Barb out of your head if you don't you will have very little success and your party members won't have much fun.

Really feel free to experiment with this set up in total as long as you provide movement speed, IP and pick up Globes you are doing your job right. Today I ran 2pc IK with Aquilas and it works as well I will try Whirlwind at some point.

[Skill Choices]

Most of the Skill's shown on top are not negotiable except for Rent and Charge. I recently decided to bring the additive damage and an additional spell to procc Iceblink with since Corpse Lance on the Support Necro is a Single Target skill. However feel free to experiment on this Skill Slot just do your group a favor of not dropping movement speed or toughness abilities.
As for Charge I personally bring it to be able to charge and freeze mobs whenever Land of the Dead drops which is likely to happen from time to time.

[Gear Choices and Stat Priorities]

As shown above there are some items that are only recommended, especially when you play NS and actually happen to have Vanilla Pick up Gear u can gain a lot of flexibility, I would personally drop Reakor's there and push my Pick Up radius through the roof.
Otherwise there is not really much to say about the Gear since it's designed to make you have 100% Uptime on Ignore Pain without Obsidian Ring or In-geom. However if you decide to play rent you can bring Obsidian Ring again and have that normal 0.2 Gap from the conventional Support Barb without Gogok without it being a problem.
The second purpose of your gear is getting maximum Pick Up Radius increase which on Season is 22 (without Thing of the Deep or Avarice Band).
So when you are gearing this Support Barb you want to prioritize Cooldown Reduction over Pick Up and only after that you will go for toughness roles.
Also i personally would not play this Barb with less then 66,36% Sheet Cooldown Reduction or 18 yards increased Pick Up Radius.

[Legendary Gems]

The only Gem mandatory here is Gem of Efficacious Toxin, but don't forget to apply it through charge or another ability.
The other 2 Slots are indeed totally optional I have tried multiple Gems and highly recommend Esoteric Alteration just so u can tank all the affixed including Molten Explosions.
Wreath of Lightning doesn't do to much because you are not really leaving your DPS Players so running faster then them gives you no advantage.
Gogok's Attackspeed bonus is super useless and I often seemed to drop Stacks when picking up Globes so i dropped it since I don't need it to have 100% Uptime on Ignore Pain.

[Some Gameplay Advice]

- don't drop IP
- don't drop Movement Speed Buffs
- don't leave your DPS's Side so you can actually give them Sprint because its only a 3 second buff and tank some heavy hits for them
- don't die
- spam threatening shout
- move a lot to pick up Globes

Happy Circling