
Juice NoNamefound - Hellthooth TXIII/70+ speed Elites destroyer. Patch 2.6 !TRY IT!

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  • Wall of Death Communing with Spirits
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Soul Harvest Soul to Waste
  • Summon Zombie Dogs Leeching Beasts
  • Spirit Walk Severance
  • Gargantuan Humongoid
  • Confidence Ritual
  • Fierce Loyalty
  • Midnight Feast
  • Grave Injustice


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Enforcer
    • Bane of the Powerful

Kanai's Cube

  • The Furnace
  • Tasker and Theo
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Hey Guys! NoNamefound for Juice Blasters EU here!

Today i wanna show you this little variants of a speed farm build,made by myself. Witch doctor,in season 2.6, it's the beast damage dealer on group party,thanks to the LoN set,but i found him a little bit slow aganist speed farm on TXIII as keys and legendary farming compared to other classes like Wizards, Demon Hunter and Necromancer. I've personally tested many many builds you can find easily on the web,and i mean build like Chicken setup or Zunimassa, they are strong for real, but what we are looking for is to be more faster and focus our damage on Elites to farm materials and legendary.

Well,finally i found a decent and fast build to be near the "standard" of other classes.

This build,main focus his strenght,on inflict most damage possible on Elite,using the stats on our: Unity, Uhkapian Serpent and on the Furnace on cube. when you are able to oneshot your Elite pack, you can easily refresh your cooldown (thx to our passive Grave Injustice) and be in perma movement speed,thx to our passive and Soul Harvest rune,with the support of our Sacred Harvester that stack 5 more stacks of Soul harvest and boost us like a train. (Yes, you don't need to be a chicken to run like hell), and perma reduce damage you take, thx to Unity (shared with our follower) and Uhkapian Serpent that split damage received to the zombie dogs. Very fun and strong to play,you defnitly must try it! ;)

Feel free to write a comment if you have questions.

Best regards,


*********************** UPDATE ***************************************************

Hello again guys! <3

I've forgot to say,that setup works much better for people with 800 or less paragons and not a perfect/ancient gear.

If you got a decent gear and paragon points,that's much better for you,so you can try to run In-Geom on the cube for more CDR (don't forget you already got passive skill). That works pretty good,because paragon points increases you intelligence and your global damage,so it works pretty cool.

I think that's it,for now,don't forget to write a comment o post a question if you want.

Thaks a lot again.


Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

Paragons priorities are listed here, nothing particular, focus on be more fast as you can be.

Build Guide