
Rathma Singularity GR Speed Farm (Video)

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  • Frailty Aura of Frailty
  • Skeletal Mage Singularity
  • Blood Rush Molting
  • Land of the Dead Frozen Lands
  • Devour Cannibalize
  • Bone Armor Dislocation
  • Extended Servitude
  • Dark Reaping
  • Life from Death
  • Overwhelming Essence


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Enforcer
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Powerful

Kanai's Cube

  • In-geom
  • Tasker and Theo
  • Krysbin's Sentence


Rathma Head --> Int, Vit, CHC

Rathma Shoulder --> Int, Vit, CDR

Rathma Hand--> Int, CHC, CHD, CDR

Rathma Pant --> Int, Vit, Socket, Elite damage

Rathma Boot --> Int, Vit, Pet damage, MS

Nemesis Bracers --> Int, CHC, Vit

Wisdom of Kalan --> Socket, CHC, CHD, Int

Circle of Nailuj's Evol --> Socket, CHC, CHD

Krysbin's Sentence --> Socket, CHC, CHD

Scythe of Cycle --> Int, Damage%, CDR

Lost Time --> CHC, CDR, Int


Rathma Set - 2500%

Scythe of the Cycle - 300%

Krysbin's - 100%-300%

Bane of the trapped - 38%

Spreading Malediction - 20%

Total Damage Bonus: 3158%

Shoot for 50% CDR

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

Hello and what is happening all my Thinkers! How are you all doing today?

Today I wanted to bring you a build I have been running on my stream for doing GR speed farming. this is a pretty common Singualrity build with a few changes I prefer for my game play. This guide is for all of my stream viewers who have been asking for a in depth guide.

Well here it is! We have been running GR 60-70 in 2-3 minutes on the stream the past few nights.

Only good for GR farming. A rift/bounty build would use gold to speed items.


Frailty : Aura - you are constantly running through the map getting frailty on every mob causing your mages to kill them faster

Skeletal Mage : Singularity - Using singularity for the stronger mages also to proc the 6 piece Rathma's bonus

Blood Rush : Molting - Movement speed and a way to have a few corpses to consume when you get into a bad cool down spot

Land of the dead : Frozen - Consume corpses constantly for full skeletal summons. Procs Krysbin's when it freezes

Devour : Cannibalize - Consumes corpses for Life and essence

Bone Armor - CC, Damage reduction, Krysbin's ring proc, and a little extra damage

Game play:

1. Use Land of the Dead every tiem it is off cool down. This is what allows you to just run and summon skeletons

2. Cast Bone armor to keep full stacks and CC mobs

3. Summon skeletal mages all the time

4. After killing an elite pack you will just blood rush through the map casting mages / bone along the way

5. Keep Devour on num lock

Ensure you always have Land of the dead cast every second it is off cool down, this makes you fly through the map. Use the num lock trick for devour.

Let me know some input and potential changes.