
LON EP Generator

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  • Way of the Hundred Fists Windforce Flurry
  • Sweeping Wind Master of Wind
  • Exploding Palm Impending Doom
  • Epiphany Desert Shroud
  • Cyclone Strike Wall of Wind
  • Mantra of Salvation Agility
  • Mythic Rhythm
  • Harmony
  • Relentless Assault
  • Seize the Initiative


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Simplicity's Strength

Kanai's Cube

  • Flying Dragon
  • Spirit Guards
  • Convention of Elements

Version 0.1 of a Rimeheart LON EP build. ALL items must be Ancient.

Helm: We take Andarial's Visage for its 20% cold damage roll and Native Attack speed roll. As this build does not need cooldown reduction of any kind, we forgo the socket entirely and get Crit Chance and Attack speed with Dex as our stats

Stat Breakdown:

20% cold damage to skills

7% IAS

6% crit chance

Shoulders: We take the Lefebvre's Soliloquy for the 50% damage reduction. Due to the nature of this playstyle being melee, This is the strongest item for the slot.

Stat Breakdown:

20% Area Damage(+50% from Paragon= 70% Area Damage)

Amulet: We take Hellfire Amulet with 20% cold, 10% crit chance, and 100% crit damage. We then add dex though Caldesaan's Despair. The passive you want will either be Alacrity(for greatest damage gains) or Near Death Experience(If you are pushing very high gr's.)

- Alternate Amulets include Any immunity amulet or the Eye of Etlich. Same stat priority.

Stat breakdown:

20% cold damage to skills (current total @ 40%)

10% crit Chance (current total @ 16%)

100% Crit Damage

Chest Armour: We go for the Very underrated Tyrael's might, for its 20% damage boost to Demons. The vast majority of rifts will be demons, so this bonus is only lost for very few unlucky floors.

-Alternate Chest Armour is Aquila Cuirass, for its 50% damage reduction that will be active almost constantly due to the primary skill being our main attack to trigger the exploding palm.

Stat Breakdown:

20% Damage to Demons( to make up for the loss of cindercoat as another source of elemental damage)

Wrist armour: Gundo gear is the best in slot for this case, HOWEVER, If you manage to land a perfectly rolled Spirit guards, you are STRONGLY encouraged to cube the gundo gear.

Stat Breakdown:

20% Cold damage to skils (current total @ 60%)

6% Crit chance(current total @ 21%)

Hands: Frostburns are quite possibly one of the strongest items in the game. They not only boost your Cold damage by 20%, but they give all cold damage a 50% chance to freeze enemies. To further strengthen this, We use Sweeping Wind: Master of Wind to regularly freeze nearby enemies. This helps out significantly with our survivability, as this effect even freeze locks bosses(Uber Diablo) and Rift Guardians.

Stat Breakdown:

20% Increased cold damage(current total @ 80%) +Note+ This may be different than how the differently worded "20% MORE damage to cold" is calculated. I have not actually tested this build yet, I am still putting things together to try it.

10% Crit Chance( Current total @ 31%)

50% Crit Damage( Current total @ 150%)

20% Area Damage(If you manage to get a set with crit chance, crit damage and dex, this can be worth more. Current total @90% Area Damage)

Waist: The Witching Hour is the strongest belt for this slot; Crit damage AND attack speed. If you don't manage to find an ancient one, The Craftable Fleeting Strap is a suitable alternative.

-Alternative belts are Kyoshiro's soul, as that boosts the damage of our Sweeping wind by a fair amount, and As mentioned Above, Fleeting Strap.

Stat Breakdown:

50% Crit damage(Current total @ 200%)

7% IAS(current total @ 14%)

125% Sweeping Wind damage(If Kyoshiro's soul)

Legs: Depth Diggers is the strongest in this slot for our primarily used ability, Way of the Hundred Fists. The 100% damage boost from this that stacks the raw elemental damage we've already accumulated leads to a very consistant kill rate, and if you properly use the three primary attack, Exploding Palm combo, the Mythic Rythm passive is triggered.

-The Alternative for this slot is, of course, the Swamp Land Waders, which emphasises group play over solo play, because it boosts our Exploding Palm damage even further. These are incredibly difficult for us as monks to obtain, as we need to roll a Witch Doctor or play with one a lot who is willing to drop them for you if they do drop. They Have to be Cold damage AND ancient in order for us to get the best use out of them*to roll the intelligence to Dexterity.*

Stat Breakdown:

100% damage boost to Primary skills(If Depth Diggers)

20% Damage to Cold Skills( Current total @ 100%)

Boots: Our go-to choice for boots is the Act 2 bounty Illusory Boots. These are so we can safely escape dangerous situations, and allow us to properly hit our desired target in a pack, essential to be able to detonate Exploding palm off of a low life enemy.

Rings: Legacy of nightmares set. The Litany of the Undaunted and The Wailing Host.

Stat Breakdown:

50% crit damage Per ring( Current total @ 300%)

6% crit chance per ring( Current total @ 43%)

Weapon: The Fist of Az'Turrasq is the big one here. We need this weapon to roll as high as possible on the base damage, Then The highest roll on the weapon power possible, then gift it for a socket.

Stat Breakdown:

130% crit damage from emerald(Current total @ 430%)

10% damage on weapon

24% Area Damage(Current total @ 114%)

Weapon 2: This is a tossup, one that I have not decided on as "the best" because this build is still in Theory crafting. Our Options are the powerful Rimeheart, for proccing based on our ridiculous Attack speed from Flying Dragon, Azurewrath, for its intrinsic roll for freeze chance and 20% cold damage roll, or the Crystal Fist(Which will require a bit of a change in our skill selection)

Currently. I am leaning towards Azurewrath for consistent damage, and to emphasise the strength of our Exploding palm, but If Rimeheart procces similarly to how Manald Heal does, It has potential to be an incedible boost to our output.

I also Dislike playing RNG lottery for my skills, so that has an effect on my position; If rimeheart damage was lowered to around 1000% for a 100% chance when frozen, I would be over that in a heartbeat, assuming the internal cooldown isn't ridiculous.

Stat Breakdown:

130% crit damage from emerald( Final Total @ 560%)

20% cold damage to skills( Final total @ 120% IF using Swamplands, 100% if not.)

24% Area Damage( Final Total @ 138%)

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Movement Speed to cap, Then all into Dex


RA>Life>Armor>Life Regen


Build Guide


Go into packs, put on Sweeping wind, use your primary skill 3 times, then use Exploding palm on the lowest life mob. Then focus down that mob with your primary abilities, and Watch as the screen disappears. Use Cyclone strike to clump together and freeze mobs.

Pop Epiphany as necessary to reduce burst damage.

Try to time Exploding palm with the cold proc of Convention of elements for maximum output.

CDR is not important for this build, as it only increases the availability of epiphany. Our strength lies in conststant damage output from our primary skills, which explodes with EP as our group kill utility.

Build can be a little bit squishy, but you can easily fix that with some item swaps to Aquilla Curiass and Crystal fist* and the inclusion of dashing strike in build somewhere*