
HyperChicken Cosmetic and Rainbow Goblin Farming [No Buttonmashing]

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  • Summon Zombie Dogs Life Link
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Horrify Stalker
  • Spirit Walk Severance
  • Soul Harvest Soul to Waste
  • Hex Angry Chicken
  • Fierce Loyalty
  • Tribal Rites
  • Grave Injustice
  • Rush of Essence


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Boon of the Hoarder
    • Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard
    • No Gem Selected

Kanai's Cube

  • Sacred Harvester
  • Tiklandian Visage
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur
This build is designed for Rainbow/Menagerist Goblin hunting and general cosmetic farming. The absolute fastest cosmetic farming build seems to be the unlimited dashing monk (example build), but personally I'm not a huge fan of movement skills that require hitting buttons repeatedly and quickly (looking at you Dashing Strike, Vault, Teleport, etc).

My favorite movement skill in the whole game is Hex - Angry Chicken, so I wanted to create a ridiculously fast map exploration/farming build with as little buttonmashing as possible. With the 2.4.3 buff, the 6pc Arachyr set is all you need for damage output on normal. I prefer this set over Helltooth or Zuni for speedfarming since you don't need to active an additional skill for bonus damage. You can also see my non-set armor recommendations below under Item Choices.

NOTE: This build is intended to be played on normal difficulty, since game difficulty has no effect on goblin spawn rate. You can try playing on higher difficulty levels for DBs or bonus gold, but I can't promise you won't get stomped on.


Every non-set item here is intended to focus on speed and not damage output. Since you'll be playing on normal difficulty, you won't need much more damage outside of your Arachyr-buffed skills and dogs.

Diamond in the helm for CDR.

With RoRG equipped or in the cube, you have some flexibility on which set pieces to wear and which item to keep in the cube. You should have at least 5 pieces of Arachyr for the full set bonus, but either the feet or head-pieces can be swapped for alternate items. I would strongly recommend having Tiklandian Visage either equipped or in the cube (to continue proccing the Ring of Larceny's massive speed bonus), then you have the option of using either Leoric's Crown for bonus CDR or Illusory Boots for unhindered movement through enemies.


Offensive stats on the items don't matter too much since you'll be playing on normal difficulty, but stack CDR where you can to ensure your skills are up outside of chicken form.


Boon of the Hoarder is in place for the speed buff, since Avarice Ring will keep you picking up gold left behind by your dogs.

Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard is for the shield, ensuring that you remain undamaged for the Krelm's Buff Belt's speed boost.

Use whatever you want for a 3rd gem, or use an unsocketed ring/amulet. Enforcer may be a good option to get some use out of your dogs.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed


Life Regeneration
Resist All


Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find
Area Damage
Life on Hit


Movement speed is obvious, CDR should keep your non-Hex skills up, and life regen is for Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard. Outside of those three stats, everything else is optional/up to personal preference.

Build Guide


The rotation is fairly simple:

  1. Summon zombie dogs on game start for the Fierce Loyalty movement buff.
  2. Use Hex to run around until you find a large group of enemies or you run out of chicken. Run into breakable objects to proc Warzechian Armguards for some bonus speed.
  3. Activate Horrify and Spirit walk for another massive speed boost, and hit Soul Harvest if you're surrounded by enemies.
  4. Go back into Hex once it's back up.

If anything needs to die, use your hex-plosion or Pirahnas to make quick work of them.


I'm not an expert on goblin or cosmetic farming routes, so look some up on YouTube or whatever and use those. Let me know in the comments if you have a route guide you like, I'll consider adding it here.

Here are some routes/guides I've found:

Happy farming!