
GR 100+ ZDPS WIzard: Ray of Frost Edition (2.4.2)

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  • Ray of Frost Sleet Storm
  • Black Hole Event Horizon
  • Energy Twister Gale Force
  • Frost Nova Bone Chill
  • Slow Time
  • Teleport Safe Passage
  • Cold Blooded
  • Conflagration
  • Evocation
  • Unstable Anomaly


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Iceblink
    • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
    • Esoteric Alteration

Kanai's Cube

  • Etched Sigil
  • Strongarm Bracers
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Some quick notes on gearing:

Strongarms and Ranslor's are obviously interchangeable, cube one and use the other.

Hellfire Passive = Blur (or Temporal Flux if you feel you are extremely strong)

We much prefer to use Aether Walker with this build, mainly because we have to forego Illusory Boots to utilize Mantle of Channeling which has major synergy with the build.

On every piece of gear, the optimal roll on the main stat will be either Strength or Dex for more armor, but Int will work just fine until you can get your hands on more optimal ones.

Resource cost reduction isn't as needed with this particular version of the build, so don't stress on it.

Diamond in the helm and diamonds in all other sockets as well.

If you feel you are low on CDR (in which case I wouldn't really recommend playing the build at all) you can use Gogok instead of Esoteric to attempt to make up the difference.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Area Damage
Gold Find

Build Guide

This is a variation, and more specifically what I believe to be a better version of the new ZDPS Wizard build floating around in the current meta.

The build is very easy to play, you simply keep up your slow time bubble on top of the group for damage reduction and various damage bonuses to the group via having every slow time rune available from Crown of the Primus, while at the same time spamming Frost Nova to stun mobs and add 33% bonus damage to your DPS. Black Hole to proc Strongarms and as needed to remove harmful affixes on the ground with Event Horizon.

Primarily though, where this build differentiates from the previous ZDPS Wizard builds is that instead of relying on resource cost reduction to be able to cast Black Hole and Gale Force to buff damage, we simply channel Ray of Frost: Sleet Storm with Etched Sigil in the cube throwing out black holes and energy twisters for free and as such we barely have to worry about managing our resource bar at all. We lose String of Ears for Hergbrash's Binding which keeps us full on AP to take advantage of Aquila Cuirass, we take off Illusory Boots (which are not needed when we are using Aether Walker) to keep our 4 pc Delere's bonus, and in a corresponding move our shoulders change to Mantle of Channeling which gives us 25% more damage reduction when channeling Ray of Frost.

I believe this particular build to be far superior to the cookie cutter ZWiz builds being thrown around, this is the next evolution, enjoy :)