
Tals with <1-trillion damage

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  • Electrocute Lightning Blast
  • Disintegrate Convergence
  • Frost Nova Frozen Mist
  • Energy Twister Raging Storm
  • Energy Armor Force Armor
  • Teleport Calamity
  • Blur
  • Arcane Dynamo
  • Power Hungry
  • Unstable Anomaly


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Taeguk

Kanai's Cube

  • Valthek's Rebuke
  • Hergbrash's Binding
  • Convention of Elements


Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Area Damage
Gold Find

cooldown is not the most important... attack speed i still am investigating. I need to know more about the mechanics of etched sigil.

Build Guide

This build can create over 1 trillion dmg without optimized gear. It can create over 2 trillion dmg with optimized gear.

1. Valtheks rebuke is used, but it may not need to be. I currently am still attempting to understand the pattern of the spawns from etched sigil. If anyone has any mechanical guides to it, please post them in the comments.

2. Valtheks causes the twisters to spawn, when they collide the number is decreased on stacks for the sword. Before they collide you have 5, when they collide you have 4... catch my drift? this essentially creates more dmg...

3. The spawns of the twisters happen in such a pattern that they are bound to colilde, If your cursor is 25 yards up from the disintegrate beam you spawn the twister at your cursor. They move in a relatively simple pattern that you can spawn another right on it. Difficult at first, but you will see it after time goes on. This creates more huge DPS tornados.

4. Hergbrash is used for increase use of disintregrate. The most disintegrate is used, the most dmg since all dmg is increased by 25% by the shoulders. Side note: if you get the timing of etched sigils spawns down you can get rid of valtheks and use death wish which increases dmg by another 35% (cubed). Same with taeguk.... :D

5. The primary dmg dealer is twisters... the disintegrate beam can do quite a bit of dmg.

6. arcane dynamo.... This is more of a question then a statement. If you use arcane dynamo prior to starting the beam it applies to the full length of the beam... does it apply to what is spawned by etched sigil? cause thats MASSIVE DPS

7. The arcane rune on teleport avoids having to spawn a twister to get the proc off the tals set.

8. Your choice on boots... the meteor boots causes some huge dmg from the meteors proc'd from tals. Like HUGE since this build focuses on fire and arcane...

9. Use either frozen mist or another cold primary skill to proc tals... cannot have a mana drain or it will be produced by etched sigil which is bad since all we want is twisters.

10. The twisters pull mobs about every 6-10 seconds (approximately... I am not a genuis).

11. Aether walker can be cubed for more maneauverability....

12. that chest piece with high dmg reduc could be cubed... (possibly)

Issues with this build

1. toughness... this can be worked on and rearranged based on play style... its up to you...

2. good gear is needed...

3. timing is a thing with this build....

4.must spam other spells to proc tals, which interrupts casting of twisters.... but you get about 8 to 16 seconds worth of uptime to do serious dmg...

comments welcomed!

I have attached a d3planner.
