
Roland's THORNS GR85+

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  • Punish Celerity
  • Sweep Attack Gathering Sweep
  • Steed Charge Draw and Quarter
  • Iron Skin Reflective Skin
  • Laws of Justice Decaying Strength
  • Provoke Hit Me
  • Fervor
  • Finery
  • Hold Your Ground
  • Iron Maiden


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Boyarsky's Chip

Kanai's Cube

  • Golden Flense
  • Aquila Cuirass
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur


Not much gearing options here, guys. Akarat's Awakening will help with survival through constant resetting of Akarat's Champion(if you use it) but you will lose either provoke (dps loss) or Laws (toughness drops). So it's not worth it in my opinion.

Without Golden Flense it's incredibly hard to have 90% of Wrath and have Aquila's Cuirass bonus.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

You don't need attack speed here. And don't really need CDR. Prioritize AREA DAMAGE where possible as well as resistances and life/armor. But Toughness is preferable here.

Build Guide

As you can remember in this weekly digest we present you community builds that are completely ineffective and underperforming!
This time we present you the "Horny Sweeper" build from the Angry_Roleplayer, based on both Roland's Legacy and Thorns of the Invoker sets!
Not only this is a weird mixture, but it's also not supposed to work at all! Strangely.. after 4 years of "perfecting the details"(as the owner says) .. somehow...it works!
At this moment Angry_Roleplayer is steamrolling impressive GR60+ in this pile of junk and does a whole set of bounties in just 2 hours and 34 minutes!

Hey guys! I hope you liked the intro :)

I present you my CRAZY Roland's Thorns build. :)

I believe noone in the world tried this crazy combination of Thorns applied at 250% increased attack speed.

Unfortunately this build is a "fun" build and not an END GAME TOP GRIFT build absolutely, simply because Roland's set does not benefit to thorns damage directly (like Invoker's or Akkhan's)

Based on my math, the build can push 85+ with p2000-2500 and augments. But i decided not to write "85+" simply because i have doubts people are gonna push it that high :)

So far i did 73 with crappy gear and no augments at p1300. I struggled a lot to do 74 but i already need some luck there.

What i like about this build?

1) Low gear requirements to do 60-65+

2) Don't need attack speed rolls

3) Don't need CDR rolls

4) Don't really need Area Damage as well.

5) Moderate toughness/recovery in low GR's because we can refresh Laws and Defensive Skills almost instantly

6) Don't need Akarath's Awakening (rarest shield in the game, might not even drop!)

7) Fast stricken stacking because of CRAZY attack speed.

8) Can get S7 stash tab with this :)

What are the weak points?

1) Low damage overall

2) Very low single target damage (compared to Invoker and Akkhan+Invoker), simply because Roland buffs Shield Bash and Sweep, and not thorns or all damage (like Akkhan's)

3) Can't use Akarath's Champion effectively, because it's hard to fit Akarath's Awakening as well. And without AA shield, AC cooldown is terribly long.

4) Toughness is problematical in 70+. More damage reduction would be nice.

How do you play?

Well, watch the video first of all! ;) And here are a few tips:

1) Watch your wrath level. Don't let it drop below 90%

2) Sweep random mobs as you go to keep 5 stacks of damage reduction all the time.

3) Avoid fighting single elites. Drag them into density.

As for the skill options:

1) Endurance instead of Drag and Quarter for more mobility

2) Laws of Valor - Invincible, instead of Decaying Strength for more Life per Hit (if you survive through the rift but feel fragile at RG)

3) Akarath's Champion - Prophet instead of Decaying Strength.

Thank you!
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