
Support Barbarian for Greater Rifts (WIP)

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  • War Cry Hardened Wrath
  • Whirlwind Hurricane
  • Ancient Spear Rage Flip
  • Threatening Shout Falter
  • Ignore Pain Mob Rule
  • Furious Charge Cold Rush
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Weapons Master
  • Inspiring Presence
  • Superstition


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Esoteric Alteration

Kanai's Cube

  • Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
  • Chilanik's Chain
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

This will most likely be the support build going into S6

Key things to note:
This build does not use crit, you will be primarily focusing on CDR, attack speed (getting efficacious toxin out, gorgok swiftness stacks, as well as thunderfury procs), vitality, strength, and all resist.

You basically want to be a walking tank that also ensures your team members are walking tanks.

Leoric's Crown: This helm is mandatory to ensure that you have as much CDR as possible, at 100% you gain 25% CDR from the helm alone which is huge for keeping up IP/War Cry/Threatening Shout.

Mantle of Channeling: Gives a 25% Damage reduction while channeling WW incredibly useful for allowing for damage reduction.

Resist Necklace: This is incredibly useful for when you need to be in the midst of the mobs, or sitting on top of your wizard to ensure they don't die. I personally feel countess is the best because arcane is so detrimental to your positioning. Being able to stand in it and pull mobs will make your life much easier.

Aquila: Incredibly useful, gives a 50% damage reduction while over 90% primary resource. Stacking max fury will allow you to maintain this buff longer, especially with high attack speed gaining you rage quicker.

Nemesis/Strongarm: This depends on what your other supports are using. Strongarm stacks with other strongarms, so you have the potential for an extra 60% damage if two supports are using them. Otherwise stick with Nemesis, they're better on the barb as they have more movement potential and mob pulling power. Plus you're the least likely person to die.

Pride of Cassius: Goes without saying, 4-6 second added time to ignore pain is huge. You can switch Chilanik's Chain with Pride if need be.

Band of Might: Gives a 50-60% damage reduction for 10 seconds after casting furious charge. You'll want this to ensure you don't die. It becomes particularly mandatory at grifts 90+

Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac: Reduces the cooldown on your abilities by 1 second every time you hit a mob (attack speed). Absolutely mandatory for ensuring you can always have ignore pain up.

Bul-Kathos Swords: The set bonus from these swords allow you to move 30% faster, attack 30% faster and gain rage at a quicker rate (which helps maintain the buff from Aquila) the movement speed bonus is also incredibly useful for scouting out for mobs near by and keeping up with everyone else.

How to play a support barb:
Ill be updating this with youtube links once I do some streaming this season

Ancient Spear (Rage Flip)
Target a mob that is a distance from you and cast. It will throw the enemy mobs behind you.
You will primarily want to scout briefly ahead (but not too far as ignore pain requires you to be near your party) and will pull mobs to your team. In the case of an elite being low health, in higher grifts you will need to spear it along with you until you get to larger mob densities. Be sure once you cast ancient spear to cast furious charge as well in the opposite direction. You'll be using this ability a lot, and it'll help keep band of mights 50% DR for you as well.

Ignore Pain (Mob Rule)
This ability is incredibly important in higher grifts. Without it your team members will constantly die.
Make sure you are always whirlwinding as it will proc Oculus ring reducing the cool down. With a 6 second Cassius that is 11 seconds of 25% damage reduction for your team members along with immunity to impairments. If you stray too far from your team members, they will lose the buff. The distance is 50 yards, or about half a screen in distance.

Whirlwind (Hurricane)
You will be whirlwinding for the following reasons:
Mantle of channeling is giving you a 25% damage reduction
Efficacious toxin is up (10% Damage, and 10% Damage Reduction)
Oculus ring is reducing ability cool down
Thunderfury procs
Gorgok Swiftness (Dodge and 15% CDR)
Movement speed and attack speed from BK swords

Threatening Shout (Falter)
This is pretty simple, get a big grip of mobs, shout and have increased damage done to those mobs. Falter gives 25% increased damage to mobs for 6 seconds, which is longer than your cool down will be once you have the proper gear. This ensures that the buff is constantly up.

War Cry (Hardend Wrath)
Personally right now, I prefer impunity however because of how this build works, hardened wrath gives 60% increased armor for the first 5 seconds. With proper CDR and Oculus procs you can literally spam War Cry. This ensures the 60% bonus armor is constantly up for your part members and ensuring that your squishy wizard doesn't die.
Alongside this, make sure anytime you finish off a pack to cast War Cry again so that your party benefits from the 40% movement speed buff that comes from Chilanik's Chain!

Furious Charge (Cold Rush)
Cold Rush freezes your enemy in place for 2.5 seconds, what this results in is 2.5 seconds of nobody on your team taking damage. The ability has an immunity to the effect of approximately 7-10 seconds, I'm not entirely sure. However you will be using this ability every 8 seconds for the 50-60% damage reduction that you get from band of might. As you get higher into grifts you will need to FC a lot around where your wizard is at. This ensures they take as little damage as possible.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Area Damage
Gold Find

Movement Speed is the top priority as it ensures not only that you keep up with your allies, but that you're able to pull packs and get back to your team faster. (Plus you don't want to waste stats on your boots)

Maximum Resource ensures that your resource pool is higher. This is important for Aquilia, as at 90% you will gain 50% damage reduction. The higher your resource pool is the greater the difference of rage to maintain and keep the damage reduction. So at 100 rage you only have 10 rage to work with, however at 200 rage you can now lose up to 20 rage and still maintain the buff. It seems like a small thing, but that 50% reduction is huge, and you need to do whatever you can to ensure it stays up.

Vitality and Primary stat as far as I know are mildly interchangeable, Vitality is more of a fake buffer in toughness, and strength also increases armor however once you're in the 80%+ CDR range from armor you should be suffering fairly nasty scaling and would benefit more from Vitality.

Cooldown Reduction will allow for abilities to come up faster. Pretty obvious as to why this one is important.
Attack Speed again is about ensuring all of your on damage aspects are constantly going out as fast as possible, and making sure gorgok is up
CHC doesn't really matter and neither does CHD

Resist All, Armor and Life are up to your discretion however I feel that this order ensures the strongest buff to your toughness as far as differences go with resist all making the biggest difference, then armor and then life.

Resource Cost Reduction is important again for ensuring you're able to maintain Aquilia and constantly WW
Life on Hit is useful for ensuring an extra little bit of life while in the middle of packs
Area Damage is good for some extra damage although you really wont be doing much
Gold Find is pretty useless in Grifts.

Build Guide

I'm currently having trouble getting my computer to stream, so videos will take a while before I can post and give detailed explanations if you have any questions regarding the guide and what to do feel free to add me at DesMephisto#1384. If you have any suggestions for improvement, please feel free to let me know. I'll be updating this going into future seasons.