
Patch 2.4.1 Sacrifice Build

BBCode Link


  • Summon Zombie Dogs Life Link
  • Sacrifice Provoke the Pack
  • Grasp of the Dead Death Is Life
  • Big Bad Voodoo Slam Dance
  • Fetish Army Legion of Daggers
  • Spirit Walk Healing Journey
  • Pierce the Veil
  • Fierce Loyalty
  • Zombie Handler
  • Midnight Feast


More Details

Kanai's Cube

  • Wilken's Reach
  • The Grin Reaper
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Swamp Land Waders pants is mandatory. Homunculus gives you a dog every 2 seconds. Cubed Wilken's Reach removes the cooldown of GotD, allows you to make sure GotD is on every mobs. Cubed Grin Reaper's mimics help spam GotD, and they do GotD a lot as it is the only skill they can use on your bar!

After that, Zuni set 5 pieces and RoRG provide fetishes which act more as tank than damage source. The six pieces bonus also buff the damage of the dogs. Starmetal Kukri is for the BBV. Alternatively, Anessazi Edge is a good choice for crowd control. The remainings are optional.

Spirit Vessel on Hellfire amulet.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

With the change to Swamp Land Waders pants (Sacrifice deals 350-400% additional damage to targets affected by Locust Swarm or Grasp of the Dead) and Grasp of the Dead: Death is Life (Chance to summon a Zombie Dog increased to 70%) in 2.4.1, build based on Sacrifice as primary damage skill is viable now!

From my experience, as long as mobs are dying in GotD regularly, GotD and Homunculus are adequate to ensure permanent supply of dogs most of the time. Therefore, other sources of dogs such as Circle of Life and BBV: Boogie Man are probably not needed.

Game Play: Summon your Fetish Army and Zombie Dogs. Cast GotD on group of mobs. Then start spamming Sacrifice on the mobs. As long as you has reasonable killing speed and mobs always die on GotD, you should be able to keep spamming Sacrifice most of the time. The only exception is during Rift Guardian fights with no adds. In such case, Sacrifice all your dogs => cast summon Zombie Dog, then Sacrifice every 2 seconds to allow maximum of active dogs doing the damage, until you can use summon Zombie Dog again. BBV uptime may not be as high as Carnevil or pure melee pet builds, so use it only on elites / RG / bigger groups.