
[2.4] Channeling Fire | GR80+ Group & Solo | Guide + Video

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  • Teleport Safe Passage
  • Disintegrate Convergence
  • Frost Nova Bone Chill
  • Meteor Star Pact
  • Ice Armor Crystallize
  • Magic Weapon Deflection
  • Astral Presence
  • Audacity
  • Illusionist
  • Unstable Anomaly


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Taeguk

Kanai's Cube

  • Halo of Arlyse

Items not currently in DiabloFans DB that are needed in this build:

  • Etched Sigil (Cubed Weapon)
  • Hergbrash's Binding (Cubed Armor)
  • Mantle of Channeling (Equipped Shoulders)

For those not on the current PTR. I will post the updated legendary affixs and set bonuses.

Firebirds Set:

2 Piece - On death, a meteor will revive you. 60 Second Cooldown

4 Piece - Dealing Fire Damage causes the enemy to burn for the same amount for 3 seconds up to 3000% weapon damage. Once capped, the enemy burns to death.

6 Piece - Each burning enemy gives +100% damage, each burning elite gives +1500% damage. This stacks infinitely. On blue packs, you get 4500% and on yellow packs you only get +1500% from the champion mob (only 100% from the lesser mobs, this may or may not change)

Mantle of Channeling: While channeling, you do 20-25% more damage and take 25% less damage

Deathwish: While channeling, all damage is increased by 75-100%

Endless Walk(Compass Rose and Travelers Pledge): While moving, take up to 50% reduced damage. While standing still, damage dealt is increased up to 100%

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Area Damage
Gold Find

Dont forget to add 50 points to Max Arcane Power!

Legendary Gems w/ Substitutes

Bane of the Trapped: This build is heavily melee range oriented. Which Bane of the Trapped and our passive Audacity benefit greatly. The gem is a staple in any build, as it is here.

Bane of the Stricken: Very self explanatory, just raw damage and way too much not to include.

Taeguk: I just recently added this into the build, since we can indefinitely channel Disintergrate this gem seems very powerful. But when you're not channeling, how do you keep your stacks? This is as simple as casting your Ice Armor or Magic Weapon. Doing so will refresh your stacks, or add one. So inbetween packs, just cast every 2 or 3 seconds to maintain your stacks and keep moving. You dont need to cast either while channeling as Distinergrate will pick up the slack and auto-refresh.

There are a few gems you can substitute, but only Taeguk can be replaced. Both Banes are required.

Substitute Gems:

Esoteric Alteration: Very heavy elemental defensive gem. Dampens a lot of damage taken from spells thrown at you. (Highly recommended for high GRifts)

Moratorium: Untested, but definitely worth a mention.

Mutilation Guard: Untested, but worth a mention. I will be leveling this gem to see how it hold up. But could be easily replaced with Taeguk.

Build Guide

Streaming at - twitch.tv/drpriapismhd

Starting with skill selections, lets look at what we have.

  • Teleport - Safe Passage
  • Disintergrate - Convergence
  • Frost Nova - Bone Chill
  • Meteor - Star Pact
  • Ice Armor - Crystallize
  • Magic Weapon - Deflection

So a few of these skills are staple's in this build: Disintergrate, Meteor, Ice Armor, Frost Nova. Teleport and Magic Weapon are changeable, but in my opinion the best to compliment the build.

Why Disintergrate? Why not Arcane Torrent or Ray of Frost?

Arcane Torrent does warrant more raw damage, and provides a slight boost to our defensives, and Ray of Frost can be eliminated because this is a pure fire build. But Disintergrate provides a wide and penetrating beam of death.This is key with our 4 piece compared to Arcane Torrent because you can essentially ignite your group of mobs much quicker and more accurately. It is also easier to switch directions with Disintergrate compared to Arcane Torrent. And last but not least, Arcane Torrent damage is not delivered instantly.

So what is Meteor doing if you're channeling Disintergrate? And why are you using an Arcane rune in a Fire Build?!?

With your cubed weapon - Etched Sigil, it casts your other Arcane Spenders as well every second. You may think that using a fire rune on Meteor will net you more damage compared to Star Pact. This is actually incorrect, with the 2 runes we have available to Meteor, neither provide the same damage. Here's the reasoning:

Meteor - Meteor Shower: I will admit, this rune is absolutely fun, but extremely inconsistent to get its full potential. Yes it does spam non-stop mini-meteors, but moving through the rift you wont have time to constantly lay down meteors while channeling and the ones that do hit only hit for 277% weapon damage.

Meteor - Molten Impact: This would take the cake, but unfortunately Etched Sigil also takes into account the 15 second cooldown that comes with the rune. For that, it has no room in the build.

By using Star Pact, it does the full baseline damage and adds damage based on your Max Arcane Power. Now the runes definition says that it increases damage for each point spent, but since we are using Etched Sigil it doesnt actually spend your Arcane Power and still provides the damage boost.

Why are we using Frost Nova on our bars if Halo of Arlyse provides it for us?

If you dont know, when an item automatically cast a spell for you it will use the base spell without any runes. If you have the spell on your bar with a rune, it will cast the spell with the rune as well. (Same applies to Meteor) Also, when Halo of Arlyse casts Frost Nova, it does not put the actual spell on cooldown (and if it is already on cooldown, the ring will still cast Frost Nova)

Magic Weapon?

Damage Increase and nice little bubble. You should have over 1m Health, 4% of that gives you about 50k.

Lets look at our passives, and others that we can use.

  • Astral Presence
  • Unstable Anomaly
  • Audacity
  • Illusionist

Astral Presence

Off the bat you would assume Astral Presence is bad since we don't need more Arcane Power and Regen because Disintergrate can be channeled indefinitely. But the max Arcane Power it provides is a 400% damage boost to Meteor - Star Pact. And the extra regen helps smooth out while channeling and casting Ice Armor/Magic Weapon (to refresh Taeguk)

Unstable Anomaly

This is one of two anti-deaths we have. Since we're heavily melee range oriented, and being a top tier GRift build, anti-death passives are required for any build. Firebird's revive just didn't seem enough by itself, and having two is always nice!


Generally not used, but an amazing passive paired with Bane of the Trapped. Since we're melee range oriented, this is a pure 30% damage boost.


Mostly every time you get hit, you will take more than 15% of your health in that hit. This passive, and our ring Halo of Arlyse, both benefit from this. Illusionist is your mobility passive. You wont be spamming Teleport, but when you're in the fight, it will be up when you need it. Use it for positioning to teleport slightly away from the cluster of mobs (still within Audacity and Bane of the Trapped range) and ignite everything.

Passives on par with the build

  • Glass Cannon
  • Dominance
  • Unwavering Will

Glass Cannon

Wouldn't recommend using this passive in GRift's, but nice for speed clearing T10 Rifts and Bounties


Inconsistent in some areas, but could find its use in heavily dense Rifts.

Unwavering Will

Would consider this passive in place of Illusionist for group clearing. You wont need to worry too much about positioning with a group, but just cant find a place for it in solo play.