
Xygor's Whirlwind Barbarian Solo GR55+ Setup/Guide (2.2)

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  • Whirlwind Blood Funnel
  • Rend Mutilate
  • War Cry Impunity
  • Battle Rage Bloodshed
  • Call of the Ancients Ancients' Fury
  • Wrath of the Berserker Insanity
  • Ruthless
  • Rampage
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Berserker Rage


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Taeguk
    • Pain Enhancer


-Requires the 6 piece bonus of Wastes and the Immortal King's set. Immortal King's Boulder Breaker and Immortal King's Belt are required. The idea is to then use the best other piece of Immortal King's you have (amongst all your other Immortal King's pieces). Then equip the rest of the slots as Wastes, so you have the 6 piece Waste and 4 piece Immortal King's bonus.

-You generate Fury with Ancient's Fury rune and reaching breakpoints. Set of abilities listed above is optimal once you meet these thresholds. If you cannot reach appropriate Attack Speed breakpoints, use Reaper's Wrap. If you need even more fury, drop the Bloodshed rune on Battle Rage for Swords to Ploughshares.

-If you can't maintain full fury most of the time, drop Berserker Rage for another passive, preferably Brawler. At this point, you may have to look for ways to incorporate more Attack Speed % to add Berserker Rage back into the mix.

-You want to Rend large groups of mobs, and elites. This serves two purposes - 1) Does additional damage over time on the enemies, and 2) helps your Wrath of the Berserker cooldown to pop up because of the 4 piece Immortal King's bonus.

-It is very important not to spend too much time on single elites or small groups of mobs. The benefit of this build is that it can clear large groups of mobs in small amounts of time. You will want to skip many elites unless they are part of a greater group. It takes practice/experience to determine when to skip.

-I am still a bit torn on Mutilate/Bloodbath rune on Rend. Mutilate allows for 10% more damage from all sources, but Bloodbath does more damage over time and scales with Physical damage. I plan to do some more testing around this.

-The worst affixes to deal with are Reflects Damage, Electrified, and Fire Chains.


-Immortal King's Belt is a must to meet the bonus requirements.

-Ring of Royal Grandeur (preferably with Critical Hit Damage %) is required for this build to get the 6 piece Wastes/4 piece Immortal King's bonuses.

-Unity is basically required for very high rifts (50+). For lower rifts you can drop some survival, Convention of Elements makes a great secondary ring.

-If you need more survival, stack some Diamonds in your chest/legs. The balance/distribution of Diamonds/Rubies is very important, and may take some testing to see what works best for you.

-Hellfire Amulet with any of the passives listed or Brawler/Superstition is very good. If you can't get a Hellfire, a Mara's or Xephirian is very good.

-For complete Yoloing, you can drop Nerves of Steel for Brawler as well.


-Relevant Breakpoints to hit for Whirlwind are 1.34 and 1.43.

-Relevant Breakpoints to hit for Dust Devils are aps: 1.37 and 1.43.

-The target breakpoint to hit for better fury generation from Call of the Ancients is 1.4.

-Until reaching the 1.43 breakpoint, I recommend taking Battle Rage - Swords to Ploughshares, wearing Reaper's Wraps instead of Lacuni Prowler's/Steady Strikers, and replacing Berserker Rage with Brawler.


5/1 - After some testing, I am starting to favor the Mutilate Rune on Rend rather than Bloodbath. Mutilate gives you the ability to do quite a lot of extra damage, especially on rift bosses that don't spawn adds because of your Call of the Ancient hits.


I play this build often on my stream if you wish to see more of the intricacies:


Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

I touch upon the details this build and the following topics in this guide:

Gear, Gems, Abilities/Passives, Paragon, Gameplay

For more of Xygor's guides/videos:
