
Xygor's Whirlwind Barbarian Speed Rift GR40+ Setup/Guide (2.2)

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  • Whirlwind Blood Funnel
  • Bash Punish
  • Ignore Pain Iron Hide
  • Battle Rage Swords to Ploughshares
  • Sprint Forced March
  • Wrath of the Berserker Insanity
  • Ruthless
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Rampage
  • Weapons Master


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Taeguk
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Pain Enhancer


-Requires the 6 piece Waste set to generate high damage Dust Devils.

-Bul-Kathos weapons allow you to generate fury, travel quickly across the map, and hit high breakpoints with the attack speed bonus.

-You generate and maintain fury with the following: Bul-Kathos weapons, Weapon Master Passives, and Battle Rage/Swords to Ploughshares with Reaper's Wraps. Depending on your group composition, you can drop the Swords to Ploughshares Rune and take Bloodshed instead.

-When grouping, you can go "forward" from your group a little bit to absolutely destroy whites, but make sure to focus on elites and not "strand" Demon Hunters/Wizards.

-You can drop Bash for Furious Charge - Merciless Assault if you prefer it, it will also proc the generator buff from Focus/Restraint.

-The toughest affixes to deal with are Reflect Damage, Electrified, and Fire Chains.

-If you are taking too much damage, you can drop some Rubies for Diamonds in your chest/legs. Use the Ignore Pain for the toughest affixes/elites.


-There is some leeway when it comes to belts, Ignore Pain allows you to drop a lot of other survival.

-Focus/Restraint is key for doing a lot of damage for this build. The best Focus/Restraint rolls are Attack Speed/Crit Hit Chance/Crit Hit Damage. To maximize your damage output, you have to stop the Whirlwind and do your Bash on any enemy every 5 seconds.

-Hellfire Amulet with any of the passives listed or Brawler is very good. If you can't get a Hellfire, a Mara's or Xephirian is very good.

-Bane of the Powerful is a great alternative to Pain Enhancement, and may be flat out better overall.


I play this build often on my stream if you wish to see more of the intricacies:


Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

I touch upon the details this build and the following topics in this guide:

Gear, Gems, Abilities/Passives, Paragon, Gameplay

For more of Xygor's guides/videos:
