
[2.2] God Wiz (T6-GR30)

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  • Spectral Blade Thrown Blade
  • Teleport Calamity
  • Explosive Blast Short Fuse
  • Frost Nova Frozen Mist
  • Magic Weapon Force Weapon
  • Storm Armor Scramble
  • Audacity
  • Dominance
  • Illusionist
  • Unstable Anomaly


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Wreath of Lightning

All items that have "Max Fury" should instead have either Meteor% or Explosive Blast%, as these are the 2 primary damage skills you will be using!

Tal Rasha Set

The point of the build is to have the lowest downtime possible applying all stacks of Tal Rasha and spawning the Meteors whenever they are up. Most Elite Packs will die instantaneously even with poorly rolled gear!

Death Watch Mantle

Our build relies on face-to-face combat so these shoulders will help us dish out more damage in the process. Try to get a roll above 30% for the procc!

In-Geom + The Oculus

The bread and butter of the build. You can't make this build work without them. The point is to have at least 11 second cooldown reduction combined for your teleport so that it becomes an instant cast after you murder elites. Both Explosive Blast, and Frost Nova, will also become instant and you can spam them for damage!

Nemesis Bracers

These are a staple and you should wear them at all times in order to improve efficiency and up-time of In-Geom procc by spawning more elites.

Nilfur's Boast

These boots will amplify the damage of our Meteors by up to 200%! Prioritize the damage% roll above other stats for maximum damage.

Focus + Restraint

Try to keep both of these procced at all times by using Thrown Blades once at least every 5 seconds. The Teleport with Calamity rune takes care of the 2nd procc for you.


  • Bane of the Trapped will be on the whole time because of the nature of face-to-face combat;
  • Bane of the Powerful will be on the whole time because of how fast you jump from elite to elite;
  • Wreath of Lightining will procc the lightning meteor for you everytime that it is up, and it will give you a great speed boost!


Even though this is a very safe build to play, you can replace Death Watch Mantle and Nilfur's Boast for Firebird's items with the same stats, to get another second chance procc. It will reduce your damage a lot, however.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find


  • 25% movement speed;
  • Max Resource;
  • Critical Damage;
  • Critical Chance;
  • Area Damage;
  • Resource Cost Reduced.

Build Guide


    1. Start off by killing an elite pack (goblins count as elites);
      1. if it's a Yellow Pack, kill all the minions as well

    1. In-Geom is now procced, all your cooldowns are instant;
      1. press down the teleport button and rush for the next pack
        1. teleport has half a second global cooldown, try to walk a bit after you teleport to improve efficiency

      1. spam Explosive Blast and Frost Nova
      2. when you get to another elite pack, use Thrown Blades first, and then resume the damage spam with teleport
        1. this way you will have both Focus+Restraint procced

      1. if you find a shrine, click it, and quickly teleport above it to stun all elites that spawn

    1. If In-Geom runs out, try to only use your Teleport, Explosive Blast, and Frost Nova on packs of mobs
    2. Fighting the RG:
      1. keep Teleporting on top of him for stuns;
      2. Thrown Blades once every 5 seconds to procc Focus+Restaint;
      3. spam Explosive Blast and Frost Nova like a mad man!

  1. Have a lot of fun!!!


  • Magic Weapon with Force Weapon rune for Deflection if you want more survivability;
  • Spectral Blade with Thrown Blade rune for Electrocute with any lightning rune if you want more range;
  • Storm Armor with Scramble Rune for Ice Armor with Crystalize rune if you prefer survival over speed.


  • You can drop Unstable Anomaly for Elemental Exposure or Glass Cannon if you are not playing hardcore and feel safe;
  • Dominance can be replaced for any other passive if you play with Wilderbeast Gizzard Gem;
  • Illusionist is a must for when In-Geom is not procced, and because it will give you a burst of speed everytime you teleport.


Socket>Int>Vit>CHC>CHD>Fire%>Meteor%>Explosive Blast%