
DatModz - Cold Blender Monk | GR 55+ DS Build

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  • Crippling Wave Tsunami
  • Epiphany Desert Shroud
  • Inner Sanctuary Forbidden Palace
  • Dashing Strike Blinding Speed
  • Breath of Heaven Infused with Light
  • Mantra of Salvation Agility
  • Beacon of Ytar
  • Harmony
  • Sixth Sense
  • Seize the Initiative


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Pain Enhancer
    • Gogok of Swiftness

Patch 2.2 & Season 3 Blender Monk Build 5+ APS

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Paragon Point Allocation is dependent on your current attributes so they will vary form person to person.


Always MAX out Movement Speed first(25%), after that if you are under 400K health allocation the rest of your paragon points into Vitality, if you are over 400K, put your points into Dexterity for the damage/armor boost.


Critical Hit Chance - Critical Hit Damage - Cooldown Reduction - Attack Speed. This build is CDR dependent, the more CDR you have = better(but don't sacrifice it for damage, its all about balancing!)So via paragon points, make sure to put them into Cooldown Reduction first, secondly make sure you are over 40% critical hit chance, if you are above 40% allocation your next points into critical hit damage, if not critical hit chance. Attack Speed increases your attack rate which scales very well with infused with light = more dashes!


All Resist - Armor - Life% - Life Regen, Life Regen is a strong stat in Season 2 because of the Legendary Gem(Molten Wildebeasts Gizzard), but I value the flat damage reduction from All Resist & Armor Higher.


Resource Cost Reduction - Area Damage - Life on Hit - Gold Find, The most important stat is Resource Cost Reduction = more dashes! 1B Critz OP

Build Guide

Hello, DatModz here! With the new Season 3(Patch 2.2) Raiment Set Cold Blender Monk Build.


  • Skill Damage is based off xxxx-xxxx weapon damage range not weapon DPS.
  • You will use Templar as your follow for the Inspire Buff! = more spirit
  • Ancient Parathan Defenders damage reduction are procced by Crippling Wave:Tsunami
  • Crippling Wave: Tsunami accompanied with your high attacks per second, will freeze almost everything on your screen(every 3rd hit freezes enemies for 1 second), the freeze effect also procs the damage reduction granted by your ancient parathan defenders.
  • Gemming - Diamond in Helmet for the Cool-down reduction. If you are doing GR 48+ I would recommend full Diamonds in gear, unless you are feeling confident, you can go with full emeralds, for more damage. It is all about balancing though, dying 4+ times in a GR with emeralds is not worth the DPS gain.
  • Try to group up big packs of mobs to make use of your pain enhancer, you want to be constantly above 4+ APS on elites/white mobs. In a rift you will kite foward and pick a funnel point to drag white mobs + elites then start auto attacking to freeze them and use dashing strike to burst them down(try not to over dash and lose your charges, it will make you a sitting duck and you will die,most of the time)
  • Use inner sanctuary both offensively and defensively, if your health pot is on cool down and your Epiphany is going to fall off. Hold onto your Inner Sanctuary: Forbidden Palace for the 55% damage reduction!(You do 0 damage when you are dead!)

Stat Priority

  • Helmet - Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Dexterity, Vitality Increase Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist
  • Shoulders - Dexterity, Dashing Strike Damage %, Vitality, All Resist Secondary Attributes - Health Globe Bonus
  • Chest - Triple Socket, Dexterity, Vitality, Dashing Strike Damage % Increase Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Reduction from Range/Melee Attacks
  • Bracers - Critical Hit Chance, Cold Elemental Damage, Dexterity, Vitality Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist
  • Gloves - Dexterity, Critical Hit Chance, Cool Down Reduction, Critical Hit Damage Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Stun on Hit(BIS, but Prioritize other stats first)
  • Belt - Dexterity, Vitality, Life %, Life per Second Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist & High Melee Reduction if using a string of ears
  • Pants - Dexterity, Double Socket, Vitality, Life Regen or Armor Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Life after Kill
  • Boots - Dexterity, Vitality, Life Regen, Movement Speed Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist
  • Amulet - Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage & Dexterity Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Life after Kill or Reduction from Ranged/Melee Attacks
  • Rings - Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage Dexterity, Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Monster Kill Grant +xxx Experience
  • Weapons - High xxxx-xxx Damage, %Damage Increase, Socket, Dexterity, Life per Spirit Spent Secondary Attributes - Life After Kill

Gem/Skill Variations

  • Bastion of WIll(Focus & Restraint) Ring combination, if you want to go more damage, but you lose the 50% damage reduction from unity combination. I would recommend learning the build first then going with the full damage setup later.
  • Molten Wildebeests Gizzard - If you are having survivability problems swap this in for pain enhancer, passive life regen that scales with life regen on your gear and grants you a shield!
  • Esoteric Alteration - Increase non-physical damage take and resist when you drop below half health, you will swap this in if you constaly are dying to elemental ground effects or using the focus/restraint Yolo DPS setup(ie: molten, frozen, poison, lightning)
  • Fist of Thunder: Quickening - You can drop Crippling wave and lose the freeze(cc effect along with the damage reduction granted by APD, but gain additional spirit regen, that results in a dps gain

Ideal Stats

40+ Critical Hit Damage, 350+ Critical Hit Damage, 400+ Health, 1000+ All Resist, 15,000 Armor, Life per Spirit Spent. When you are full buffed with all your dodge you will see character sheet toughness in excess of 200 million

If you have any questions leave them in the comments section below! You can also catch me live @ twitch.tv/datmodz