
[2.1.2]M6 Fire Kridershot GR45+

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  • Elemental Arrow Immolation Arrow
  • Cluster Arrow Loaded for Bear
  • Vault Tumble
  • Sentry Spitfire Turret
  • Marked for Death Mortal Enemy
  • Companion Wolf Companion
  • Steady Aim
  • Cull the Weak
  • Custom Engineering
  • Awareness


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Zei's Stone of Vengeance


Since this is a Kridershot Fire build, cindercoat is the best item to use as off-set, especially since it gives Fire% dmg and Fire%cost reduction.

Items to get with fire% dmg: Neck, Chest and Stone of Jordan

Get resource cost reduction on shoulders together with Sentry% dmg. Get resource cost on gloves also together with Crit damage and Crit chance. (If low on vitality ignore resource cost and pick up vitality) Get Cluster Arrow% dmg on BOOTS and OFFHAND (also possible to get on helmet if u dont need Life% from the gem)

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Core: Your pet passive gives you 10% so get movement in paragon to 15% = 25% and put rest on Dexterity.

Offense, Defense and Utility: Just max them out according to priorities.

Build Guide

Secret behind this build:
If your'e lucky enough and gotten yourself a Kridershot you should be happy now that a hatred spender spell is now ur hatred builder instead. Based on how lucky you are the amount of hatred generated is either 3 or 4.

So now that we lose some of our hatred regen does that mean we will shoot alot less cluster arrows in our rotation? No! Actually youll be generating more hatred than any build.
Here comes the secret.

What spell you'll want to shoot is elemental arrow which gains dmg buff from your marauder set and in addition to that, the immolation arrow rune also puts down a burning dot on the ground over 3 seconds.

Now that you know that your Elemental Arrow is your "primary" hatred builder and that the Immolation Arrow rune puts a 3 second dot on the ground you will want to know WHY you use it.

Reason of the immolation arrow is because we have a spell called Marked for Death with the Mortal Enemy rune.

What the mortal enemy rune does is that the enemy you have marked in addition to extra 20% damage taken also gives you 4 hatred each time you attack him no matter what spell or attack you use.

Here comes the fun!

The immolation arrow dot that lays on the ground will count as attacks also. Basically if you shoot 3 Elemental Arrows you will have done 3 attacks against your marked target which has generated 12 hatred already and then the extra dots from each Elemental Arrow will also generate 4 hatred for each tick they do.

Heres how you should do it. Always keep 5 sentries up and going and keep your target marked and shoot as many Cluster Arrows as you can. Shoot 3-4 Elemental Arrows and start shooting Cluster Arrows and see that your Hatred still goes up even if u standing there and shooting Clusters to dump the hatred. With the extra hatred gained from reaper wraps you'll see that you actually spend more time shooting Cluster Arrows rather than building up hatred with a primary skill.

With this rotation if done properly you will have max hatred in a matter of no time and back to Cluster spamming!

Approved G-Rift: 49

Proof: Donhoz - DiabloProgress (Hardcore)