
DatModz - Coldplosion Monk, 40B+ XP/Hour Paragon Farming Build

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  • Cyclone Strike Implosion
  • Dashing Strike Blinding Speed
  • Epiphany Desert Shroud
  • Exploding Palm Impending Doom
  • Blinding Flash Replenishing Light
  • Mystic Ally Air Ally
  • Beacon of Ytar
  • Exalted Soul
  • Sixth Sense
  • Harmony


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard
    • Esoteric Alteration
    • Bane of the Trapped

Season 2 40B+ Experience/Hour Gungdo Gear Cold Monk Paragon Farming Spec GGCMPF for Short Kappa

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Paragon Point Allocation is dependent on your current attributes so they will vary form person to person.


Always MAX out Movement Speed first(25%), after that if you are under 400K health allocation the rest of your paragon points into Vitality, if you are over 400K, put your points into Dexterity for the damage/armor boost.


This build is CDR dependent the, more CDR you have = better, not only does it increase your survivability because of the increased up-time on epiphany it also boost your Spirit Regeneration so you are able to do your job better(Group up mobs and apply exploding palm, while controlling them with blinding flash). So via paragon points, make sure to put them into Cooldown Reduction first, secondly make sure you are over 40% critical hit chance, if you are above 40% allocation your next points into critical hit damage, if not critical hit chance. Attack Speed increases the rate in which you throw out exploding palms, but for this build it, it is the least prioritized stat.


All Resist - Armor - Life% - Life Regen, Life Regen is a strong stat in Season 2 because of the Legendary Gem(Molten Wildebeasts Gizzard), but I value the flat damage reduction from All Resist & Armor Higher, if your life is high enough, you could possibly prioritize Life Regeneration over Life%


Resource Cost Reduction - Area Damage - Life on Hit - Gold Find, The most important stat is Resource Cost Reduction, so you are able to control the mobs better with cyclone strike and do more damage by casting more exploding palms

Build Guide

Hello, DatModz here! With a Season 2 Experience Farming Build.

First off, why are we getting so much experience? In Patch 2.1.2 Blizzard made a revision to the stat "Monsters Kiill Grant X Experience".

  • The "Monster Kills grant X experience" affix is now multiplied by game difficulty

Subsequently this also ended up effecting the attribute "Increase Bonus Experience by a "X%". This skill is normal additive, but a bug(which blizzard is ok with, since it always for more "build diversity), is causing it to act multiplicative, which is resulting in huge experience gains(T6=10BXP/Hour Max vs GR37+=40B+XP/Hour) which inspired this build. Here is a brief explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJvw3JuMUrQ


This a hybrid support build that excels in group play, you want to be in a group because of the Strength in Numbers Buff(10% Increased Experience Gain for each member in the group, which is restricted by range). Your role in the group is to cyclone strike mobs to group them up, cast blinding flash to Crowd Control them and apply your Exploding Palm - Impending Doom, which will be chained by your Gungdo Gear unique affix(Season 2 Exclusive). The Gungdo Gear will cause a massive chain reaction that will kill everything in the general area! Don't forget that lovely % Increase XP Gear & Stacking Monsters Kiill Grant X Experience as a secondary attribute.

Functionality of Exploding palm - Exploding Palm Damage is based off of the "xxxx-xxxx" damage range of your Main Hand Weapon & Off-Hand Weapon, so make sure both weapons have higher damage range(not to be confused with dps), without sacrificing your desired stats/explosion increase on your Fist of Az'turrasq . Exploding Palm was changed a while back so it is non-discriminate toward the health of the mobs, meaning it does the same damage if the creature has 1 health of 1 trillion health. So when you are group up mobs, try and put your palms on the weakest ones and surround the elites in the area with the weaker minions with exploding palm applied to them. BOOOM http://imgur.com/wlJxB1p

Stat Priority

Helmet - Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Dexterity, Exploding Palm Damage Increase Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist

Shoulders - Dexterity, Cool Down Reduction Vitality, All Resist Secondary Attributes - Monster Kill Grant +xxx Experience

Chest - Dexterity, Triple Socket, Vitality, % Reduction from elites or Life Regen Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Reduction from Range/Melee Attacks

Gloves - Dex, Critical Hit Chance, Cool Down Reduction, Critical Hit Damage Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Monster Kill Grant +xxx Experience

Belt - Max Cool Down Reduction, Dexterity, Vitality, Life Regen Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Monster Kill Grant +xxx Experience

Pants - Dex, Double Socket, Vitality, Life Regen or Armor Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Monster Kill Grant +xxx Experience

Boots - Dexterity, Vitality, Life Regen, Exploding Palm Damage \Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Monster Kill Grant +xxx Experience

Amulet - Socket, Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage or Cool Down Reduction Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Monster Kill Grant +xxx Experience

Rings - Critical Hit Chance, Socket, Dexterity, Cool Down Reduction Secondary Attributes - Stacking Resist, Monster Kill Grant +xxx Experience

Weapons - High Damage, %Damage Increase, 10% Cool Down Reduction, Socket Secondary Attributes - Life After Kill & Monster Kill Grant +xxx Experience

Gem/Skill Variations

Gem of Ease - You can socket this into your weapon for more XP/Hour but sacrifice 130% Critical Hit Damage, which slows downs your groups XP gain as a whole

Bane of the Powerful - Swapping out Bane of the Trapped for the Powerful based on your group composition

Mantra of Conviction: Annihilation - Once you get enough Cooldown Reduction you can drop your Mystic Ally and run Mantra of Conviction - Annihilation Rune for increased damage + movement Speed for you and your group.

Mantra of Healing: Circular Breathing - For Increased Spirit Regen, if you are Spirit Deprived

Base Stats

50%+ Cooldown Reduction(The more the better), 40% Critical Hit Chance,300%+ Critical Hit Damage, 400K+ Life, 12000+ Armor, 1000+ All Resistances.

If you have any questions, just ask! You can also visit twitch.tv/datmodz for live feedback. Cheers and Happy Farming in Season 2!