
Fun Frost

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Types: Cold, Resource Cost Reduction (RCR), Attack Speed


  • Magic Missile Glacial Spike
  • Arcane Orb Frozen Orb
  • Teleport Wormhole
  • Magic Weapon Force Weapon
  • Familiar Sparkflint
  • Energy Armor Pinpoint Barrier
  • Arcane Dynamo
  • Cold Blooded
  • Prodigy
  • Unwavering Will


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Build Guide

This may not be a high end game build. This is a pure fun pure cold build! As you can see I have NO required items. I do have a few recommended items though that would synergise with this build.

Gear Priority:

+Cold Damage when possible

+Arcane Orb Damage when possible





Paragon Points:

You can use your paragon points how ever you want but this is what I did.

+25% movement speed < Int

+CHC < CHD ( 5% crit per 100% CHD)

+max resist < rest

+Area Damage < rest

Way I play this build is I just spam FO till im out, pick up globes near me for AP, cast MM for more AP... Rinse repeat


Wizardspike makes this build really fun, Mirror Ball makes casting my sig spell less boring! I chose AV because it can roll +20% cold damage, RoRG completes the 2 set pieces you have, Frostburn changes things a bit... as you will be freezing things alot,