
Flash and Blast

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  • Fists of Thunder Wind Blast
  • Cyclone Strike Implosion
  • Blinding Flash Self Reflection
  • Serenity Ascension
  • Epiphany Desert Shroud
  • Mantra of Conviction Dishearten
  • Beacon of Ytar
  • Near Death Experience
  • Harmony
  • Seize the Initiative


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Pain Enhancer
Need CDR on every possible slot, generally maxed and purpose is to have Attack speed anywhere you can fit it in that isnt conflicting with group added damage (strongarms for ex.) This is why Little Rogue and Slanderer together are priceless + Pain Enhancer level 25 min. The faster you hit the more times per second you are applying Crowd Control. In higher rifts as the difficulty increases so does the monsters resistance to being crowd controlled [ Vox from monk forums explains this better but ] basically there is a threshold you must hit of so many seconds of crowd control aka Crowd Control Duration for the monster to take any crowd control whatsoever. For example Tsunami ( Crippling Wave ) is a 360 Degree freeze for 1 second strike. Most would think I am trying to be surrounded by mobs, that would be the natural selection but in this case you would not be freezing at all whatsoever, no interrupt on Champ packs+ Elites. The order for how much it takes naturally goes Blue, Yellow, Boss (purps) [most duration needed]. So Fists of Thunder Wind Blast may only hit from your 9 o'clock to your 3 o'clock but it will actually freeze the mobs, especially if you are hitting 3.5 times a second. It is also for this idea of duration threshold that I run with Self Reflection Blind. Just using WBlast on my DPS monk with sunwukos and flying Dragon I am able to keep blue packs (frozen) from freezing most of the time, the added plus of having Blind helps keep them mes'd sort of like a zdps WD would do with Horrify (Note Tikhlander adds duration).

Smaller whys?
Gem of Effi T - Added damage for group at 25

Band of Rue Chambers - Spirit generation

Overwhelming Desire - Crowd control / 35% more damage taken ( another debuff for group )

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find
Area Damage
You just need to be 200 at least for CDR max

Build Guide

This is the solo tank (monk) build. It is made to maximize Crowd Control without giving up any defensive stats and/or Group Damage buff. Unfortunately you do have to give up either Forbidden Palace or Epiphany for Blind. The whole point is basically that you no longer need a zdps WD to keep mob packs under while you gather the packs. If you think but oh I'm loosing 30% Damage Debuff for the mobs that are standing directly on your inner sanctuary just think how much damage would be added by not having one of your four teammates also be zero dps. Either way crowd control definitely adds to damage by placement (especially needed for Light DH) and it prevents elites from casting certain ground effects or at least makes it less often. If neither of those are good for you.. take off Epiphany, truthfully you don't want to be using too much spirit anyway because everytime you Cyclone in you break your Crowd Control from Wind Blast. This is very noticeable if you play a FD sunwuko monk with WBlast everytime you go to re apply radiance (DStrike) it gives the blue packs a split second off crowd control. It's necessary to use Cyclone strike but its as necessary to minimize its usage. Sidenote: Direction of strike (practice) is very important since its not 360.. get used to wind blast before trying.