
Pet, Pets, Pets

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Types: Physical


  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Plague of Toads Rain of Toads
  • Summon Zombie Dogs Burning Dogs
  • Fetish Army Legion of Daggers
  • Gargantuan Restless Giant
  • Big Bad Voodoo Slam Dance
  • Fetish Sycophants
  • Fierce Loyalty
  • Pierce the Veil
  • Midnight Feast


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Build Guide

Okay, This is the build I have been running for seasons.

Here is a link to my Bnet: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Selquist-1760/hero/52185424

Basically you want to get anywhere from 30-40 +Physical Damage from bracers/Neck/anywhere else you can. Getting a lot of attack speed is also key, you want your APS to be at LEAST 1.80(near the top end you want them to be around 1.90 or higher) Then work on CHC and CHD. The items listed above are pretty much required for this build to work correctly. The legendary gems I run are: Bane of the Powerful and Pain Enhancer. The idea for dmg is to get into the high 40% for crit and 350% CHD this allows your pets to crit a lot and provide a lot of damage. This build is great for solo T6 or Grifts(I have done up to Rank 30) You spam Toads whenever possible to keep your FS up at max or near, you then can use Piranhado off cooldown to group mobs for your pets to kill. Using BBV whenever its available is also good for high pet damage. The idea behind taking the extra dog passive is the extra dmg for the big dog and the movement speed out of combat. Even with low end rolls on most of my gear I still am blowing through T6 and Rank 28,29 Grifts.