
Barbarian Lightning Thrower + PERMA CotA

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Types: Lightning


  • Weapon Throw Mighty Throw
  • Call of the Ancients Together as One
  • Battle Rage Bloodshed
  • Seismic Slam Stagger
  • Sprint Marathon
  • War Cry Charge!
  • Rampage
  • Animosity
  • Unforgiving
  • Ruthless


More Details

Build Guide

Lightning Throw Barbarian Build + PERMA CotA


1. Skill Build ( Look at the skill tree above!)
2. Gear
3. Premature FAQ's

If you don't like reading, watch a detailed video about the build here:



       00:38 - The Build
       04:57 - Paragon Levels
       07:53 - Gear
       09:10 - Build in action


The Build

Hover your mouse here!


Primary Attack: Weapon Throw - Mighty Throw


This skill hurls an incredible lightning powered axe towards your enemy, dealing a total of 400% weapon damage as lightning when it hits.


Secondary Attack: Seismic Slam - Stagger


This skill sends a dreadful shockwave of pure lightning through the ground in a cone infront of you, dealing 620% weapon damage as lightning to all it passes through


Defensive Skill: Call of the Ancients - Together as one


You, the mighty Barbarian call forward 3 ancient legendary Barbarians to aid you in your battle, together you smash through every obstacle that stands in your way!


Mobility Skill: Sprint - Marathon


With years of dreadful battling, you have gained immense stamina, this allows you to increase your run speed by 40% in 4 seconds!


Enhancement Skill: Battle Rage - Bloodshed


With a single roar, you encourage yourself to fight even more brutal, which provides you with 10% increased damage and an increased critical hit chance by 3%. Also whenever you land a critical hit, the blood from the creature you hit flies out with such an explosive force, that surrounding enemies will be hit with 20% of the damage dealt to the creature.


Enhancement Skill: War Cry - Charge!


By releasing a ground shaking shaking War Cry, you inspire all allies withing a 100 yards, which enhances them with 20% more armor for 60 seconds. You also gain a total of 50 Fury!




The gear part is pretty simple, you need the affix Lightning skills deal x% more damage wherever you can get it! Also, you'll need either 4 pieces of Immortal Kings or 3 pieces + the Ring of Grandeur




Q: Why don't you use The 300th Spear?
A: I've done some testing with The 300th Spear, but since Seismic Slam is your primary damage dealer, it won't really do much good.

Q: What do I do if I don't have enough Immortal King set pieces?
A: I'd advise you to either change Call of the Ancients into Wrath of the Berserker with either Slaugther/Insanity as rune or use Avalanche with Glacier for more crowd control!